Musical activity stimulates every known region of the brain and every neural subsystem.

How It Works

3 steps to happier employees and a healthier business.

How does it work? Play At Work makes it easy for employers to offer music instruction as a unique and attractive benefit to their workforce—one with proven personal and professional results. Our experienced instrument and voice instructors deliver top quality instruction, with no disruption to your flow of business.

Get in touch

Are you located in the Greater Seattle area? Tell us a bit about your business and we’ll contact you to get started.


We'll visit your workplace

We’ll help you identify the right location for on-site lessons and work with you to customize a music program that your employees will love.


You'll see results

Once your program is up and running, employees will schedule and pay for their lessons online. There’s nothing to do but reap the benefits.


How are music lessons arranged?
Instrument lessons are scheduled directly between students and Play At Work instructors. Students may make their payments using our online system.
Individual or group instruction, or both?
Individual lessons are available for students at all levels. Group instruction is available, depending on instrument.
How frequently do students meet with their instructor?
Weekly lessons are typical.
Where are music lessons held?
Choosing a quiet room that is not adjacent to busy workspaces is ideal. We can help you find the best locations within your workplace.